Amelkis Opera: Consolidation Software Solutions

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Amelkis is the software publisher of Opera, the consolidation software with the highest growth of users. Over 3000 groups have been consolidated on Opera, in both legal and business visions. Located in Paris, France, Amelkis Opera offers a global solution with secure hosting that applies the highest level of security and guaranteed stability. An easy web connection allows you to work without any technical constraints from your chosen location. The application is available in SaaS mode, offers statutory consolidation, reporting and planning.

Opera is a simple and intuitive solution with powerful and universal import duties that allows you to import all your accounting data automatically and enables automatic real time reconciliation of your intra-group balances. This intuitive application allows for to-the-point menus with a practical and interactive interface, and easy access to reports.

Opera is supported by many chartered accounting firms such as KPMG and PWC who consider Opera as the most efficient solution on the market. The application provides dynamic auditability data on all cells and allows you to instantly justify each amount by going back to the origin of the data and offers complete compatibility with Excel, leaving you with a complete audit trail.

The first step in the consolidation application is to create the group entities and the consolidation groups. Enter the conversion and rates and apply the selection by country and by reporting type. Create the report by applying the collection package; your scope, and your rates. The user can import their data from any scale format. These reports are easy to customizable according to the required criteria.

The advantages of Amelkis Opera are self-explanatory; this simple and intuitive solution offers powerful and universal import functions, with dynamic data auditability on all cells. It offers office integration for better productivity, excel based restitution, and reversible Excel add-ins with additional planning and budgeting tools. A complete pre-configured solution with intellectual reporting capabilities such as convergence; analysis axes; and extra-financial indicators.

Watch the Amelkis Opera demonstration here:

Photo by RODNAE Productions: