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Missed our first Amelkis XBRL 101 webinar? Do not fret, we are reviving our succesful event. The free ticket registration opens soon.
With every business, there is financial reporting. Every year companies deal with everchanging developments in their annual reporting. The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic had and will continue to have a massive impact on fiscal health and business developments. Yet, European authority ESMA declared the ESEF format mandatory from 2022 onwards.
The big question is, will ESEF, the European Single Electronic Format, and XBRL, the Extensible Business Reporting Language, make financial reporting more beneficial? In Europe, listed companies that prepare their annual reports in IFRS or US GAAP are now mandatory to report in XBRL. The implementation of ESEF means that companies now have to deal with matters such as XBRL tagging and ESEF taxonomy. Taxonomy and tagging open a world of opportunities for business reporting and transparency reporting. However, how do you ensure you implement taxonomy and tag your documents accurately and therefore succesfully?
Companies, therefore, now face their first (or second) ESEF reporting. With any new developments, a good start is half the battle. Can we now expect more transparency in financial reporting, or will comply with (inter)national laws become the most significant challenge? Why do tags and taxonomy matter? How can you benefit from XBRL-related software and services? In 20 minutes, Global Connect Consultancy answers these questions. It is easy to overestimate or underestimate the power of XBRL, so we wish to assist you with your XBRL journey.
With this webinar, we want to assist companies that want to start with XBRL or wish to discover what their XBRL journey looks like. In case you have started with your XBRL process yet encounter challenges or want a quick refresher, then this webinar is for you as well.
In this webinar, Global Connect Consultancy will explain:
- What is (the importance of) XBRL?
- What are the advantages of XBRL software?
- What are the main challenges companies currently face when dealing with XBRL?
- How are Global Connect Consultancy and Amelkis XBRL your XBRL sfotware solution?

Date: 9 February 2022
Location: Microsoft Teams
Price: Free
Time: 13:00 – 13:30 CET
Language: English (Click here for our German version)
Please for general inquiries send an e-mail to: hvanderroer@globalconnectconsultancy.com